We know nothing WWE related goes on the air until Vince McMahon approves it. Soo he should be put in a sharpshooter and hit with a kendo stock … along with the person who wrote the now infamous Bayley: This Is Your Life segment on Raw.
What made the segment so weird and downright bad was not only the crappy acting but the way things went left when Bayley’s disturbing father fixation was revealed.
We know that Bayley’s character is basically is lovable & sugary sweet 8 yr old trapped in an adult body. But the women who played her former 4th grade teacher told the WWE universe that Bayley was a crybaby who couldn’t function unless her daddy was with her in the class room everyday.
The actor who played Bayley’s ex boyfriend said that her dad was always there while they went on dates. And when he opened his eyes while he was trying to kiss Bayley .. there was Bayley’s dad. Even Alexa Bliss couldn’t save the bizarre segment from going down the drain.
Booker T said it best when he said “this is hard to watch” And even though just about everyone put the E on blast for subjecting us to that sh*t – we know that somewhere down the line, they are going to unleash on us something twisted, weird  & downright bad yet again.