Monday, February 10, 2025

IDGAF: Shayna Baszler Puts An Annoying WWE Fan In Their Place

Some WWE fans appear to be living in a continuous loop of 1984. Then WWE TV was a PG as you can get .....

Evening Shade: Reby Hardy, Tammy Sytch & Kim Orton

If You Missed It: Rats turned housewives are always super paranoid that another woman will cash in their meal ticket.

Recently Reby Hardy believed that another chick with the Twitter handle MmmGorgeous was following her husband Matt Hardy – when she received the notification on her phone. MmmGorgeous turned out to be Tyler Breeze and Reby took to Twitter to poke fun at the situation.

Reby, I know you probably took that Hot Tub Time Machine back in time & you still think it is the year 2000…but it’s the yr 2017 & no one but you wants Matt. Jeff however is a totally different story. And besides — Matt is a old pro at cheating. And one thing that cheaters do is to let their woman believe they are in control, while they have another phone..that you will never find out about.


tammy sytch evening shade

A lot of people will keep on f*cking up when they are fully aware that someone will always clean up their mess. Eternal screw up Tammy Sytch has had the WWE come to her rescue again & again.

For those who missed it, the E is currently paying for yet another expensive stay in a rehab. And for over 10 years Tammy has milked the same wrestling stories.

This time she has found another angle to take money from those virgin basement babies by giving d*ck reports on the wrestlers she has slept with like Dolph Ziggler & Chris Masters. Tammy wants us to believe she has low miles on her puss but we know better. And she also revealed that she turned down an angle where she had to kiss Ron Simmons. Admit it Tammy, you know the real reason you didn’t want to do it is that you would rather drink bleach than kiss a Black man.


kim orton evening shade

 Ok Randy …I know the last thing you want to do is go deep into a Black neighborhood in St. Louis but you gotta take your 48 year old wife Kim to a good weaveologist there ….

So she can fix those snatched edges & that raggedy ass yaki ponytail, so her hair can stop looking like a wet birds nest when water hits it.

And we all saw what you did there Kim with that 6 month party for The Golden Child & another one for your favorite son. It seems like you are trying a wee bit to hard to make everyone see what a good mom you are.  The Supermom act is cute but those with long memories remember when your favorite son was twerking by the fireplace..while you were glued to Randy’s nuts.

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  1. A friend of mine told me that she had that same bathing suit on for Wrestlemania weekend. I guess she still a little pudgy from the baby and notice how she keep that baby on her lap in pictures or someone in front of her. She is not cute. That is a weird looking woman who must be doing the works in bed. A lot of male basement babes said they’d pass. She only threw that pool party for Anthony because she got called out for throwing the golden egg a 6 month party right on time yet he had to wait a month later. Wrestleshade did you see that YouTube video with the middle child throwing shade at her?

  2. A friend of mine told me that she had that same bathing suit on for Wrestlemania weekend. I guess she still a little pudgy from the baby and notice how she keep that baby on her lap in pictures or someone in front of her. She is not cute. That is a weird looking woman who must be doing the works in bed. A lot of male basement babes said they’d pass. She only threw that pool party for Anthony because she got called out for throwing the golden egg a 6 month party right on time yet he had to wait a month later. Wrestleshade did you see that YouTube video with the middle child throwing shade at her?


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