As expected Tessa Blanchard lied and denied using the N word and spitting on La Rosa Negra in 2017. Now it becomes a game of he said, she said. But Tessa has quite the history of being a sh*tty human being soo it’s safe to dismiss her fake attempt at using her platform to become a civil rights warrior.
Also Tessa is well aware that La Rosa Negra and the other witnesses involved will never come forward after this, for fear of being blackballed. A lot of us know this is not uncommon in the wrestling community, where sabotaging careers is the norm if you dare to stand up for yourself.
And let’s be honest this is wrestling .. where a lot of the fans see nothing wrong with what Tessa did. Their mentality is permanently stuck in 1956, where there is to much sensitivity and whining over racism .. that doesn’t really exist.
Now that Tessa has apologized she can go back to work entertaining the 10 people who watch Impact on TV every week. And even though Tessa got away with spitting and using the N word without getting her ass beat, there is one person who is keeping her foot planted on her neck. Wrestler Allysin Kay wasn’t buying the bullsh*t and let everyone know it on Twitter.