A lot of women in the wrestling business know how to move on with their lives once their careers are over – due to injury or age. Tammy Sytch is definitely someone who will likely hold on until the bitter end until she is done milking every single penny she can get out of gullible fans.
Those who are familiar with wrasslin history know that Tammy was at her peak in the WWF during 1995-96 .. which is considered one of the worst periods in company history. Since then Tammy has run game with the porn site, porn film, GoFundMe and Skype hustles.
She also managed to finesse the WWE out of thousands of dollars when they footed the bill for her failed rehab stints.
Now she is on to the paid membership hustle where fans are paying 29.99 a month to view old selfies from her phone and other content. Tammy has entitlement issues so I’m sure she is thinking 5 steps ahead for the next hustle once she has exhausted the paid membership one.