Our favorite obsessed Randy Orton fan turned WAG is at it again. Recently a WrestleShade reader sent me this lovely exchange between Kim and a Instagram font.
Kim thought the essay she wrote was going to be a “gotcha” moment that would put the font in their place.
But she just proved what an insecure try hard she is – who always has to overcompensate by telling everyone how great her life is. And this also solidifies that the ass kissers who follow her have created a monster. She is talking about being verified on The Gram like she is actually a real celebrity.Â
Why is she always trying to throw shade at someone else’s looks ? projecting a bit much Kim ? No one needs to know you had 4 C sections. Also your man is a tightwad – so I’m sure he made you “work” for that discount jewelry. Is that the reason why you always use those filters to make those stretch marks around your mouth disappear ? And you have said about 4097 times you work hard to stay in shape — we get it. You do it because…
You are scared to death that Randy is going to trade your ass in for a Latina that is 20 years younger with less puss mileage and NO kids .. who doesn’t have to use industrial strength filters.