Monday, February 10, 2025

IDGAF: Shayna Baszler Puts An Annoying WWE Fan In Their Place

Some WWE fans appear to be living in a continuous loop of 1984. Then WWE TV was a PG as you can get .....

Late AF: The Rock’s Old Side Chick Surfaces With 15 Yr Old Tea

The Late AF award of the week goes to 64 year old washed up actress Robbin Young .. who tried to serve us 15 year old expired Lipton tea about her sexual encounter with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

She was obviously triggered by the news of his marriage and Forbes naming him the highest paid actor in the world, soo she decided to put him on blast while plugging her upcoming book.

This bitter hag also happens to be stuck in a late 70’s – early 80’s time warp. In Robbin’s mind it’s 1979 and she is still famous. She claimed during the heyday of MySpace and AOL instant messenger that she had no clue The Rock was married when she had sex with him in 2004.

Robbin also said the D was wack and Dwayne had a fetish. She then had the nerve to directly tag The Rock’s ex wife Dany. Umm Robbin, you were old as hell when you smashed Dwayne .. so he probably has a granny fetish and Dany doesn’t give a sh*t .. she, her brother and her current husband are to busy making money off her ex hubby.

Robbin .. I doubt Dwayne’s new wife gives a f*ck. She was smashing him while he was married to Dany like you. Are you mad she got the bag after 12 yrs .. while you are using stale tea to sell your book.

robbin twitter message


This bitter old hag was singing a different tune back in 2017.robbin rock message

We see you Robbin .. trying to catfish Elon Musk by name dropping The Rock, while hiding behind 40 yr old pictures. robbin message3

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