Despite the fact that we are constantly being whacked over the head with racism in the IWC, there are those who like to put their heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn’t exist.
Naomi has been dealing with the utmost bullshit from the very beginning. If you listen to the WWE commentary – she is never described as a talented wrestler, just athletic. And when she was SmackDown Women’s champion, she was unattractive – compared to Lana. If you refuse to feed into that Kumbaya My Lord ying yang, you are well aware of what’s really at the root of the criticism. Not to long ago – Naomi dared to tweet how the women division was being handled and opened the floodgates.
The trolls had their pitch forks in hand and pounced. The back and fourth is telling because some of the language is coded and blatant. One of the Twitter fonts told Naomi to basically quit whining and pull herself up by her bootstraps like Becky did. Umm Becky is still white and do you think the WWE would actually pull the trigger on having a Black woman main event WM and win not one but two belts ? I think we know the answer to that one.