The WWE is officially in full troll mode. They are planning to unleash a very special episode of Table For 3 featuring three wrasslin wags you love to hate on the WWE Network.
And the fact that they cast WAGS like NYC born and bred rats like Kim Orton, Reby Hardy and former Z list actress and tag along Giovanna Angle is all the proof we need that the E did their research.These three WAGS by far bark the loudest on social media.
Soo the WWE knew exactly what they were doing when they scrapped the bottom of the barrel with Reby, Kim and Giovanna because they know that you will watch it.. don’t front you know you will.
Out of the three Reby appears to be the most interesting. Because she has experienced both sides of Wagdom – traveling as a wrestler/valet with Matt and being a stay at home mom. Look for Kim to tell us what a perfect and devoted husband Randy is *holds back laughter*