Since the 2019 WWE HOF ceremony is almost here, let’s press the rewind button for a special look back at what happened on the red carpet before the inductions in 2018.
And to those who follow wrestling shenanigans, it’s no surprise that Seth Rollins – the Patron Saint of Faithful Boyfriends was involved in some messy ass sh*t. Seth’s Ex Zahra Schreiber was still bitter as hell over the fact that she lost her copy of the Nikki Bella edition of – How to Sleep Your Way To the Top of the WWE for Dummies. Zahra .. as many of you know got the boot from the WWE over 2 years prior.
But Zahra didn’t let a minor thing like being fired stop her because she managed to get inside of the HOF ceremony by leeching onto her then girlfriend Sonya Deville.
As soon as Seth & his then girlfriend Sarah were on camera, it was obvious as to why Zahra positioned herself directly behind Seth … to make Sarah as uncomfortable as possible. And Zahra looked satisfied because Sarah was clearly rattled – Mission Accomplished. As for the idiot who set this whole thing in motion ? He appeared to be oblivious as to what was happening … or was he ? Wrestleshade believes Seth knew exactly what was going on and loved every second of it, he thrives off of the drama that his relationships bring.