Nikki Bella
Wrestling News Alert
Liar, Liar: Nikki Bella Says She Didn’t Want To Marry John Cena
It wasn't a figment of our imaginations, we watched Nikki Bella practically grovel at John Cena's feet, pestering him to marry her. It took...
Wrestling News Alert
The Bella Twins In The WWE Hall Of Fame: Too Soon ?
When it was announced that the Bella Twins were being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, a lot of fans in...
Shade Files
John Cena Proposed To Shay and He Didn’t Wait 5 Years To Do It
It looks like John Cena proved once again that a man will typically move quick to put a ring on your finger, if he...
Wrestling News Alert
Eye Roll: Nikki Bella Thought Motherhood Was Going To Be Taken From Her
Soo now that Nikki Bella is engaged and pregnant by another man, one would think its time to stop milking her failed engagement to...
Shade Files
Nikki Who ? John Cena Brought His New GF To The Raw Reunion
I know I know, WrestleShade is Late AF with this post but it's no coincidence both of the Bellas were no where near the...
Wrestling News Alert
Missed It ? John Cena’s Bootleg Bella Girlfriend Has Been ID’d
If you have watched John Cena & Nikki in all of their glory on Total Divas, you know that he was constantly belittling her...
Wrestling News Alert
Becky Lynch Tells Us Why She Refuses To Date WWE Wrestlers
Look no further than John Cena and Nikki Bella's toxic relationship for confirmation that having sex with your co-worker can have disastrous results.SmackDown...
Wrestling News Alert
Evening Shade: Nikki & John, Randy Orton, Jojo Offerman..Etc
I know, I know's a pic of Miz and Maryse but it's really about Nikki & John.
In light of John Cena lying about...
Must Read
Wrestling News Alert
Sasha Seethes: Becky Lynch Is On The Cover Of Muscle & Fitness
Don't let any WWE wrestler fool you, they ALL want acknowledgment from the mainstream press and opportunities in the entertainment industry. John Cena took...
Shade Files
Finn Balor Marries And It Didn’t Take Him 12 Years
Finn Balor and Veronica Rodriguez's wedding last week confirms once again that men don't waste their time if they really want to marry you....
Wrestling Randomness
Petty Post: Seth Rollins Fiancée’s Engagement Rings
After Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch announced their engagement .. numerous WrestleShade readers on IG sounded the alarm regarding an observation they made about...