Tammy Sytch
Wrasslin Ratchetness
Tammy “Sunny” Sytch Is Now Free To Rack Up DWI #7
You have a WWF has-been driving the wrong way down a one way street - with a suspended license. She also failed to stop...
Social Shenanigans
Has-Been Tammy “Sunny” Sytch Is Hustling Fans Out Of 29.99 a Month
A lot of women in the wrestling business know how to move on with their lives once their careers are over - due to...
Shade Files
Evening Shade: Reby Hardy, Tammy Sytch & Kim Orton
If You Missed It: Rats turned housewives are always super paranoid that another woman will cash in their meal ticket.
Recently Reby Hardy believed that...
Wrasslin Ratchetness
GTFOH: Tammy “Sunny” Sytch Joins The “I Tried To Save Chyna” Club
Recently, our favorite bitter O.G Diva Tammy "Sunny" Sytch - whose rehab stays are running neck and neck with John Cena title reigns said...
Social Shenanigans
Old Diva Troll Tammy “Sunny” Sytch Clowns New HBK Pic
Old Diva Troll has-been Tammy Sytch A.K.A Sunny made it obvious that she is still pressed like a panini over HBK.
You would be pressed as...
Must Read
Wrestling News Alert
Sasha Seethes: Becky Lynch Is On The Cover Of Muscle & Fitness
Don't let any WWE wrestler fool you, they ALL want acknowledgment from the mainstream press and opportunities in the entertainment industry. John Cena took...
Shade Files
Finn Balor Marries And It Didn’t Take Him 12 Years
Finn Balor and Veronica Rodriguez's wedding last week confirms once again that men don't waste their time if they really want to marry you....
Wrestling Randomness
Petty Post: Seth Rollins Fiancée’s Engagement Rings
After Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch announced their engagement .. numerous WrestleShade readers on IG sounded the alarm regarding an observation they made about...