You have a WWF has-been driving the wrong way down a one way street – with a suspended license. She also failed to stop at a stop sign and had an open container of alcohol in her vehicle. With all of that going on .. what can possibly go wrong ?
Luckily alert police officers observing Tammy’s epic f*ckery arrested her before she could kill anyone on Feb 23rd in Seaside Heights NJ. It’s obvious Tammy doesn’t give a damn about possibly killing multiple people because she has been arrested a grand total of 6 times for DWI offenses. After a video conference with a judge she was released and probably went right back to the bottle, setting the stage for DWI arrest #7.
And the WWE has spent more sending her to rehab than they have on some of their talent. I hope they realized that they shouldn’t waste anymore money helping someone who clearly doesn’t want to help themselves. And why is she in the HOF again ? for being the most downloaded woman at a time when it took about 5 minutes to download and save one picture ?