Last year Seth Rollins was responsible for instant classic Wrasslin ratchetness with nude pics featuring an average sized d*!k.Â
Fast Forward to 2016 and Seth’s “friend” Crossfit guru and bodybuilder Quiana Welch A.K.A Chuckie has surfaced. Now we know based off Seth’s history of having a main chick and one stashed on the side – that there is no way in hell his D has stayed dry the entire time he has been around his “friend” Chuckie.
Also the chances are slim to none that most men permanently stay in the friend zone with a woman that has a big b*/ty. And based off of that ha/d on in the first pic, Seth is likely hitting it on a regular basis.
Quiana “Chuckie” Welch
And we know that some wrasslin fans don’t like it one bit if wrestlers are into women that are darker than brown paper bags. Soo it would be funny as hell to watch those fans short circuit if Seth and Quiana make it official.
Rewinding back a bit: 1 minute after Zahra got the boot Crossfit athlete Bonnie Schroeder took the main position. And now there is the potential for another pet to be traumatized by a breakup. Leighla got custody of Kevin the dog – who will get Darrell the cat if this relationship implodes LOL